The 4 Main Causes of an Overheating Transmission

Automobile transmissions generally don't experience much wear and tear over the years. However, they can still develop problems that lead to overheating. When this happens, your transmission no longer can shift gears as effectively, and it can even start slipping out of gear. Luckily, you can learn to tell if your transmission is beginning to overheat, so you can get it repaired before it causes any severe damage.

Low Transmission Fluid Levels

Low transmission fluid levels are the leading cause of overheating transmissions. When your transmission fluid levels are low, it can cause your transmission to overheat. This is because the transmission fluid helps to cool and lubricate the transmission. If the fluid level is low, it can't do its job. Low transmission fluid levels can be caused by a leak in the system or insufficient fluid being added when the system is serviced.

Bad Solenoid

If your transmission is overheating, it could be caused by a bad solenoid. The transmission solenoid is responsible for directing fluid to the various gears in the transmission. If it's not working correctly, the fluid can overheat. Other symptoms of a bad solenoid include hard shifting, delayed engagement, and slipping. If you think your transmission might be overheating due to a bad solenoid, have it checked out by a professional as soon as possible.

Bad Transmission Sensors

One of the main causes of an overheating transmission is bad transmission sensors. The sensors are responsible for monitoring the temperature of the fluid and relaying that information to the computer. If they are not working correctly, the computer cannot adjust the cooling system accordingly. This can lead to severe overheating and damage to the transmission.

High Ambient Temperatures

One of the leading causes of an overheating transmission is high ambient temperatures. When it's hot outside, your transmission fluid will start to break down and won't be able to do its job properly. This can lead to slipping, hard shifting, and eventually a complete breakdown. To avoid this, ask your mechanic to check your transmission fluid level regularly and top it off if necessary. You may also want to consider installing a transmission cooler to help keep things cool if you live in an area that gets hot weather.By keeping up with recommended maintenance, you can avoid most problems that may cause your car's transmission to overheat. However, if you suspect that your car's transmission is overheating, don't ignore it; contact your trusted mechanic right away.


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