What You Need to Know About Your Car's Alternator

It's a good idea to learn about the various parts in your car, SUV, or truck. This helps you understand when the parts are going bad so you can replace them right away. In the case of the alternator, there are numerous things that can go wrong if it goes bad. Let's talk below about the alternator.

What It Does

We like to call the alternator the heart of the electrical system because it generates and converts electricity. The alternator sends this electricity throughout the electrical system to power everything that is electrical in your automobile, and that is a lot. The alternator generates between 13 and 14.5 volts of electricity. The alternator operates while your engine is running.

How It Works

The alternator is attached to the serpentine belt using a pulley system. The belt starts to spin when you turn on the engine and it spends the pulley. The pulley turns a rotor shaft and a set of magnets around a coil. This produces an AC electrical current. The current is then routed through a rectifier to convert it from AC to DC. The electricity is then routed to the battery and electrical system. All of this is done in the alternator while, again, your engine is running.

Its Lifespan

The alternator has a relatively long lifespan. In fact, if you purchase a new vehicle every three to five years, you will never need to replace the alternator unless it malfunctions prematurely. On average, the lifespan of an automobile alternator is 10 years. Most people put 100,000 miles on their automobiles in 10 years, so it will last approximately 100,000 miles.

Signs Its Bad

Once the alternator starts to go bad, it will produce electricity sporadically. This can include producing electricity under 13 volts or over 14.5 volts. In either scenario, your automobile's electrical system is going to start to have problems, and these problems will pass on to the electrical components. For example, you may start to have problems with your vehicle's accessories or lights.You may also end up with a battery that dies frequently because the alternator is not charging it. The alternator can also make your engine stall frequently because there is not enough electricity going to the spark plugs. If the alternator overheats the electrical system, you will smell burning rubber or wires. You may also hear grinding coming from the engine and end up with an illuminated battery light.It will only take us approximately two to three hours to replace your alternator, so call us today to schedule an appointment.


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